Frequently Asked Questions
If you do not find the answer to your questions below, please feel free to contact us at (800) 755-5008, M-F, 9-5 (EST) or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Who are we?
Buyer's Edge Inc. is the Tri-State area's premier buying service. We guarantee low prices on most "big ticket" purchases, including Major Appliances/TVs, Cars, Furniture, Kitchen's, Luggage, Fine Jewelry, Audio, Travel and much more. See our Low Price Guarantee for more information.
How does our service work?
Members simply call a Buyer's Edge vendor direct via toll-free phone numbers, M-F (many categories on Saturday and Sunday, too). You speak to a "live" specialist who has product and service expertise, knows inventory availability, and can arrange delivery right to your home ASAP. For more detailed instructions on how to save using Buyer's Edge, please click here.
How do I get my "Username" and "Password?"
Your Username is the same as your "group number." Your employer/association (HR or member services) should be able to provide both your Username and Password for you, but if you are not successful, please feel free to contact us at (800) 755-5008, M-F from 9am - 5 pm (EST) or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
I have my group # and password, but I still can not "log in." Help!
Please be aware that our website is NOT case-sensitive. Your Username is the same as your Group number. If you are still experiencing problems logging in, please feel free to contact us at (800) 755-5008 so we may help "walk you through it."
Who are Buyer's Edge vendors?
We have a network of vendors, each specializing in their own field. These vendors have agreed to sell their products or services to Buyer's Edge members at guaranteed low prices. Since they do not have the normal advertising, sales costs, or other expenses, the savings are passed on to Buyer's Edge Inc. members.
Where are the vendors located?
Most of our vendors service and are located within the tri-state area of NY, NJ, CT and greater Philadelphia. We normally have one vendor for each category, however in certain categories, such as Major Appliances TV's, it is necessary to have additional vendors to properly cover a territory. F.Y.I.--We have an agreement with many of our vendors not to provide a list of their names and locations. This is because, while they are guaranteeing low prices for our members, many of the vendors have a large retail business that they would like to keep separate.
Is shipping included?
The final price a vendor quotes usually includes the item, all freight and/or delivery charges and applicable sales taxes. Many times, the complete price is broken down for you.
Is there an extended warranty available?
They are usually available at a cost for most items, as with any retailer.
Can I make a purchase online?
Yes, in some categories such as Computers, Car Rentals and soon Jewelry. Please be aware that several categories offer special links that has additional information exclusive for Buyer's Edge members such as Kitchen Cabinets & Countertops, Contact Lenses, Travel and soon Cars, Furniture and Flooring.
How does our website work?
In addition to our everyday guaranteed low prices, we encourage members to "log-in" to our easy-to-use website at www.BuyersEdgeInc.com and check out our What's New and Monthly Specials. Do not forget to register for our current Giveaway.
How much can I save?
The amount you save will depend on the product, market conditions, and the area of the country you are in. Buyer's Edge Inc. guarantees the Plan prices are lower than those obtained by skilled discount shoppers, even through advertised sales or other forms of discount. See our Low Price Guarantee.
What is the "Low Price Guarantee?"
Read all about Buyer's Edge Inc.'s Low Price Guarantee here.
Can I join?
Buyer's Edge Inc. is ONLY for the employees and members of participating Member Groups. We are not available to the general public. We are a NO COST Member Benefit to companies and organizations of 25 or more employees/members. Click OUR MEMBERS above and use our SEARCH FOR YOUR COMPANY NOW! option. If not, have an authorized representative of your company, union, association or club sign-up on line or contact us directly.