Buy a product for $150 or more through Buyer's Edge, and if within 30 days & 50 miles you find the exact item for less at a factory authorized dealer, we require that the vendor mail you the difference, plus 20%. Details
The Smart Way to Save Money on Major Purchases!
Buyer's Edge, Inc. offers guaranteed low prices on shopping for goods across many categories including cars, major appliances, furniture, and more! You must belong to a member organization to participate in Buyer's Edge. If you would like your organization to join, please click on the Organization Signup button at the top of the page or click here to send us an email. Be sure to include the company name, the contact person and their phone and email address.
Member Benefit Notes
Member benefits coverage is constantly being improved, however, some products or services may not be available in your area or covered by our Low Price Guarantee. Please check each category for details, including hours & coverage.